The Science of Sound

The Human Body is made up of 60% water — a vibrational matrix of synapses, tissues, and emotional information.

The vibrational frequencies of Sound Therapy affect the body at a cellular level, influencing shifts in our brainwaves and neurological functions. This rebalancing can restore harmony through the rest of the body, from the nervous system to hormonal cycles.

In a Sound Healing session, the body is able to enter into a Theta state, which promotes deep relaxation and allows the inherent self-healing mechanisms of the system to come online. This directly affects the nervous system and hormone falls, relaxing the stress response and detoxifying the system at a cellular level.

The intention of these sessions is to enter the system into a state of deep relaxation, where the vibrational frequencies of sound can work to restore harmony and resonance at a cellular level. This encourages the gentle release of stored emotions, and activates the self-healing mechanisms to gently unwind physical, mental, and emotional blockages.

Sessions are typically one hour long, and can be shared in-home or at Teagan’s treatment space.

See below for information about Group Sessions!


Sound Healing, Bodywork & Energy Medicine

These sessions combine the magic of Sound Healing, with the powerful techniques of Somatics, Bodywork and Energy medicine.

Throughout the session, we weave together a unique combination of sound landscapes, paired with Energy Healing and traditional bodywork, such as Marma Acupressure therapy and craniosacral techniques. Sound healing instruments are used on the body as well, to amplify the healing effects.

This process allows for the detoxification and healing processes that the sound frequencies activate to take place on an even deeper level, through engaging with the physical body.

The additional elements incorporated into the session are completely up to the client, which we decide upon together beforehand!

For inquiries, email !

Group Sound Healing Sessions

Sound Healing sessions can be shared in small or large group spaces, as something typically known as a “Sound Bath”!

Teagan offers Sound Baths for small groups in-home, or large groups at various outdoor locations or studio spaces! If you’re interested in booking a Sound Bath for a group, reach out! It can be a very special experience to share!

If you’re a local facilitator or Yoga teacher looking to amplify the healing qualities of your classes or retreats, Teagan collaborates in larger group settings often! It would be an honor to support your healing space with vibrational sound medicine!

General Rates per hour;

In-Home, small group sessions; $55-88 per person

Large group containers; $111-333 per hour

Plant medicines such as Cacao or Hapé can be incorporated into your group Sound Ceremony for an additional rate, in exchange for materials!

Book a Session