Mentorship is uniquely attuned to each individual’s process, and their emergent desires along the path of personal & professional development. This is something I have shared over the years with a trusted few, who wanted to deepen their professional or personal practices with the frameworks of Ayurveda, Astrology, and/or Energy Medicine.

This process is for anyone. With the Wisdom Traditions of Ayurveda, Astrology, and Energy Medicine as the foundation, there are a myriad of possibilities & pathways to explore. These systems are truly universal principles that give language to the great mystery of life in their own unique ways.

Together, we enter into this shared exploration in the spirit of curiosity, and an openness to receive the deep insights that come from engaging with these frameworks. Due to their expansive nature, these frameworks tend to “do their work on you” as I like to say – meaning, the wisdom of these traditions and their application tend to reveal themselves to you, as you sit more deeply with them.

There is no hierarchy here. I am not giving you anything you don’t already have within you – the teachings will allow your innate wisdom to emerge. I may be giving you new information, but the process of discovering, and applying this knowledge is yours alone. I am simply a mirror and ally along the journey.

Some examples of ways this could look or support you;

  • Healing coaches or mental health practitioners that want to deepen their understanding of the systems of Astrology and/or Ayurveda to serve their clients

  • Reiki or Energy Workers that are interested in a more Earth-based, ancestrally-informed approach to subtle bodywork. Weaving techniques & frameworks from earth-based lineages around the world, beyond the Reiki lineage (which is just one of many!). Techniques to deepen and attune your personal practice to the gifts of your channel and your ancestry.

  • Frameworks for deepening your own personal life & practice! You do NOT have to be a healing practitioner to learn about these systems & how they can enrich your life. In this way, we decide which frameworks would be most supportive based on your needs & intention, and I teach you the in-depth approach to understanding the system. Ayurveda, Astrology, or Energy Medicine are all beautiful systems for enriching our relationship to yourself and to life.


AYURVEDA MENTORSHIP — translates to “the science of life”. A 5,000+ yr old system of earth-based, holistic healing. Together I teach you the foundational principles of Ayurveda, including the 3 doshas & elemental theory, along with foods, practices, and lifestyle philosophies to live a more attuned, balanced life - unique to your individual needs. Ayurvedic Herbalism + traditional medicines can be incorporated as well. This can be applied to clients you’re working with as well!

ASTROLOGY MENTORSHIP — the Cosmic Blueprint & Archetypal Theory. Together we deep-dive into the 12 Zodiac archetypes, house system, and planetary bodies to unfold a deeply thorough understanding of astrology as a living system. This can be applied to your personal life and/or folks you work with.

ENERGY MEDICINE MENTORSHIP — For those that are interested in a more Earth-based, shamanic and ancestrally-informed approach to subtle bodywork. Weaving techniques & frameworks from earth-based lineages around the world, beyond the Reiki lineage (which is just one of many!). Together we learn techniques to deepen & attune your personal practice to the gifts of your channel and your ancestry.

We will explore worldwide, multicultural & universal approaches to energy medicine techniques & philosophies, as well as explore practices from your own heritage. Ancestral healing & connection work are incorporated as desired to partner with supportive guides, to connect with those that have stewarded energy work far back in your ancestral history – and through YOU.


Receive Teagan’s FULL Online Astrology course PLUS 6 private meetings with Teagan along the way, to deepen & hone your chart-reading and coaching skills. Coming in SUMMER 2024!


The different frameworks we can explore together are Ayurveda, Astrology, and/or Energy Medicine. I suggest devoting at least 5-8 sessions to each subject, to deeply come into relationship with the wisdom of its medicine over time. The systems all weave together very intuitively, which can become a full year-long mentorship of learning all of the respective frameworks & their intersection.

This can be applied to both personal and/or professional practice, with business coaching woven into our work together. I always encourage individuals to apply these frameworks to themselves first + foremost, which is the beautiful part of getting to work together 1:1 so you have that personal support along the way!




    • Bi-Monthly or Monthly meetings with Teagan! With lesson plans & a curriculum uniquely attuned to your desired learning pathway! Suggested 5-10 session trajectory for deep learning, integration + application strategies.


    • The option to share monthly check-ins with others in a mentorship of the same subject matter, to ask questions + learn from one another in community!


  • Session Exchange: $111-155/hour

  • 5 session Mentorship Package for $450-650 sliding scale**

  • 10 sessions Mentorship Package for $888-1111 sliding scale**

*if these prices aren’t accessible, please reach out to me to discuss further options!

If you have a small group of people that are interested in participating in mentorship Together, there is the option to arrange for small group Mentoring Pods! $75-125/hr per person.

**REFUND POLICY: No refunds after registering for full package. This encourages a commitment to the long-term journey of growth together, and Teagan’s commitment to you. As soon as we discuss your desires and I receive your registration for the mentorship, I begin creating a completely unique lesson plan that we will move through over the course of our time together. You are not just paying for the time we’re together – yet also the time Teagan spends behind the scenes developing your unique curriculum & lesson plan.


Ayurveda, Astrology & Energy Medicine

1:1 Teachings for Practitioners or Personal Practice