Guidance, Mediumship & Connection

Partnering with our healthy & well ancestors to bring about healing, resource, connection and guidance.

We are the Ancestors, returned.

This body, an echo of those that came before. We carry so much history in blood and bones.


A connection to our Ancestors is birthright, yet it is a framework of relationship that we’ve lost in the modern age. At the heart of this work is the intention to form strong & safe connections with the wise and well Ancestors of our bloodlines. From these relationships with our people, we partner with them to bring healing along the lineage where it is needed. This is deep work, and of course looks different for each individual’s unique path and history. 

Our relationship with our Ancestors becomes an ongoing place of deep resource and council, one that continues to grow and strengthen over time. Like any healthy relationship, it is one that requires consistency — as relationship is formed, we deepen the process with Ancestral Ceremony & altar practices to continue tending the lineage. This becomes a way of being in the world that serves as both sanctuary and council, as the Ancestors walk closer & help support our path through life. This resource is birthright.

Gradually, we form deep connections with our people, and develop a healing relationship that can be sustained for our lifetime, and the generations to follow. This healing echoes backwards and forwards into the timeline of lineage, powerfully influencing the living ancestors of each bloodline.

So much of our current world is an echo of the ancestral legacies that have been cultivated over hundreds of generations. This process is inherently decolonization work, as we must confront the very real histories of our people, and hold the responsibility of being the cycle-breaker, as the living face of our lineages. Repairing & repatterning the legacies of our people is how we bring forth intergenerational healing, and dream a new world into being.


What’s not processed, persists. Many of the burdens we carry in body and mind, are evidence of some of the unprocessed experiences that have been handed down lineage for generations. There are active developments being made in the field of epigenetics that the emotional and physical experiences of our ancestors are deeply embedded and alive in our own bodies.

And yet, many of the gifts & blessings we carry are also a mirror of our ancestors' very own blessings. In deepening our understanding of what is working through us from our four lineages, we become more actively resourced in partnering with the ancestors, embodying the blessings in deepening capacities.

The ancestors become an active part of our everyday life, a source of support & council that moves with us at all times. Alongside our wise & well ones, we dream the world into being.


Sessions last between 60-90 min in full, and include elements of ritual work, guided journeying, mediumship, visioning, and ancestral connection. Teagan can record the session if desired, so that you can be fully present in your process.

Please reach out if you’re interested, I would be deeply honored to support you and your people.


Informed by ancestral tending rituals across Anishinaabe and Celtic cultures, this is ancient work that has been a necessity for humankind since time immemorial. Teagan has spent significant time engaging in ancestral practices of various traditions and philosophies, which are at the core of this work. Much of the format of these sessions has been influenced by Dr. Daniel Foor’s ancestral lineage healing methodology, with room for intuitive mediumship and psychopomp work with Teagan.


If you’ve explored Ancestral Lineage Healing work and are ready to go deeper, Ancestral Bodywork is the next step in the process — here, we take it to the body, and unwind the Ancestral Patterns that are held in our own tissues. A minimum of 3 Ancestral Lineage Healing sessions is required before beginning Ancestral Bodywork, to make sure we have a strong foundation of Ancestral health & connection.

A Word on Cultural Change through Ancestral Healing Work…

Sometimes, conflict resolution & repair work with our Ancestors is required, as we turn towards the truth of our reality as a continuation of our own Ancestor’s actions. This work can often bring forward the complicated reality of confronting & reckoning with unresolved histories of colonialism, oppression, and injustice that our ancestors may have been a part of.

The intent is that we both acknowledge and embrace our own role as the face of the lineage, and (if desired), become the ‘cycle breaker’ — one who commits to bring repair to these patterns in our lives moving forward. This begins actionable movements towards change and restorative justice for the ancestral legacies of the world.

Ancestral Repair Work is both deeply personal, and absolutely a form of collective healing.

As we begin to repattern our own ancestral legacies, this ripples out into the world and culture around us. This begins to create healing on deeply systemic levels, and echoes through not only our own life, but the other cultures we interface with. Ancestral work is active cultural repair.


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