Inquiries and Questions!

Location: Council Rock Greens

2290 East Ave, Rochester NY 14610



Rochester, NY

Session Types

1:1 Healing Services

INTEGRAL HEALING JOURNEY: 5 Session package ✧ see below!

Personal Ceremonial Offerings (also offered in small groups)

Teagan West

Ayurvedic & Somatic Practitioner


Sessions are offered at a sliding scale rate, in an efforts to make this work as accessible as possible.

  • 60 Minutes; Sliding Scale $125-175

  • 90 Minutes; $175-222

Ceremonial Offerings may differ depending on additional elements added into our time together, such as plant medicines or drum making materials.

If you have any questions or specific needs in terms of pricing, please do not hesitate to reach out. I would be honored to support your healing process!


5 Session Package : Ayurveda, Astrology, Ancestors, Somatics, Energy Medicine & Ritual Bodywork

Sliding Scale $555-777

This journey offers the opportunity to go deeper into the healing process over a sustained period of time, tending to all aspects of Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Teagan works with you over the course of four sessions to unfold the Wisdom of the Body in its physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. The four session types are listed here, and can be approached in any particular order that feels most supportive for each individual;

Ayurveda tends to the needs of the physical body, as we come into deeper understanding of your unique biological & physiological makeup. We dive into your full health history, to generate an understanding of your body’s needs, and then move forward in creating an Ayurvedic Regimen unique to you. This includes diet, lifestyle, herbs, and yogic practices that become resources for restoring your body’s natural state of balance & overall harmony.

Somatic Healing explores the unique matrix of emotion and memory that lives within the body, working to bring awareness to this wisdom and liberate what might be stuck within. Through guided explorations and somatic dialoguing, we begin to unpack & understand the body’s unique wisdom, and develop resources for the gentle transformation of these energies. This allows for more freedom & spaciousness in our lived experience, generating more awareness of what lives within, and how to best support what’s there.

Astrology is a supportive tool along the path of healing, that provides insight & objective context for what we’re maneuvering in process. It allows for perspective and understanding of our current place in the timeline of life, and how the larger energies or movements of the cosmos influence our individual karma. As above, so below.

Ancestral Healing provides even further context and perspective around our healing process, recognizing that what we’re experiencing is so much larger that just our own place in the timeline of life & lineage. We create connection with healthy & well ancestors, that become a source of support along your own path & healing journey. We also further this work into allowing that healing to ripple back in our lineage and positively affect those that came before, engaging in true intergenerational healing. Ritual, mediumship, meditation, and guided connection is offered here.

Ritual Bodywork Sessions unfold even deeper into the wisdom of the body, through releasing deeply-stored energy held in the tissues and fascia. A combination of Marma Acupressure, Thai Yoga Massage, Craniosacral Therapy and Energy Healing, this gentle yet powerful work tends to both the subtle & physical layers of the body. The container is held in ritual space, with the intent of deeply honoring the body as our most Sacred Temple, within which our entire world finds its centerpoint. As within, so without — as we find freedom & healing within our own vessel, this echoes into how we move through our lives.

After moving through the Integral Healing Journey, there is the option to deepen the work through SYNTHESIS: Integrative Healing Sessions, where all of this work is woven together to continue deepening the healing over time. This allow individuals to keep working with Teagan and tending to the needs of Body, Mind & Spirit.