Welcome to the Altar of Stars, where we commune with the Council of the Cosmos.

Together we will take a journey through the Planets, 12 Zodiac signs & Houses of the Astrological Chart. This is not just information transference; it is an invitation to form your own living relationship to Astrology. To learn how it’s unique language, and how its oracular magick comes alive through you. YOU are the place where Sky meets Earth.

This container is vast; a deep dive into the cosmos that invites your devotion as praxis. Each topic offers hours of transmission from Teagan, as well as meditations and practices to integrate the teachings thru the wisdom of your own inner-knowing. Your full self is invited to the table, to feast alongside this council of celestial ancestors.

Astrology is a deeply-rooted Ancestral, Earth-based practice that connects us to the cycles of aliveness in Nature. As we follow the movements of the planetary ancestors, we find traces of those that studied the stars thousands of years before our waking. This course is a journey through the wheel of the year on Earth, with the Sky as our guiding mirror. We study the astrological wisdom of various traditions from all over the world, tracking the patterns that connect them.

Teagan has compiled over a decade of knowledge from various frameworks & approaches, including Western, Vedic (Jyotish), Hellenistic & Esoteric Astrology. Through synthesizing the wisdom of these systems, we seek to find the celestial thread that weaves them all together, revealing the magick of the stars.

This course is the prerequisite to Mentorship with Teagan, to learn how to read Astrological charts professionally. Each Mentorship cohort begins every April, at the start of Aries Season.

Scholarships are available for historically marginalized identities, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ identifying individuals. Reach out to Teagan directly at thealtar.healing@gmail.com to inquire.

✧ Altar of Stars ✧ Online Course

A Mythopoetic Journey into the Cosmos. As Above, So Below; The Sky is our Mirror.

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