Life, Death & Rebirth Processes

Honoring Life’s Transitions through Ceremonial Space.

Personal Rites of Passage

Ritual is something deeply embedded in the nature of human experience, that we have somewhat lost in the modern age. Across the world, rites of passage & transition ceremonies have been held to honor these important moments in the timeline of life.

How do we honor Ourselves in the path of Becoming?

The heart of this space is to presence the process of growth and transformation. To call in support to allow you to feel resourced in your process, while also taking time for integration & intention setting along the path. To both honor where you’ve been, and turn towards that great horizon with deeper support, presence & knowing.

Holding intentional ceremonial space around these moments allows for deeper presence and integration of the process within us. To pause, and acknowledge how our path has brought us to this present moment, to engage with it intentionally. To call our ancestors closer, to ask for their support in the process. And to set intentions for this next phase of our journey in this life, with whatever it may hold.

To empower & trust in the Self through the process of change. To be both humbled and inspired by this Great Mystery & Gift of life.

Personal Ceremony can be been held around life transitions such as;


  • Prenatal & Postnatal ~ In many cultures, it is understood that at the turn of the third trimester, the soul of the individual enters the developing body. This is a deeply auspicious time to hold ceremonial space around the birthing process, as well as after the child has entered the Earth plane. Incorporating Astrology is another beautiful option during a post-natal ceremony.

  • Metaphorical birthing of creative vision ~ entering into a new phase of life, embodying a new facet of the Self. Traditional ceremonies around personal birthing processes involve a naming ceremony, to take a new name that calls forward the energy you’re cultivating within.


  • Grieving & Honoring ~ holding ritual space before, during, or after the death process of a beloved. This traditionally involved an honoring of their life and the beauty they brought into this world, as well as a Fire prayer to call forward the ancestors that can help the soul of the individual transition easefully after death. This can be held as personal or small group space.

  • Metaphorical death ritual, the closing of cycles ~ when we come to the end of a phase in life, this process allows for deep integration and reverence for what has been harvested in the time spent. To honor the lessons, awareness, and wisdom that emerged — and simultaneously bring closure and integration of the cycle. This can be in regards to endings of relationships, work, home, or general life transitions.


  • Ritual space held around the endings and new beginnings in the timeline of life. Significant transitions such as changes in relationships, work, home, or personal life changes. Allows for both integration and intention setting, as one door closes and another door opens. A way to presence the resonance of a moment in the timeline of life, and actively acknowledge the transition that’s taking place — both internally and externally.

  • Sometimes, taking a new name can be incorporated into a Rebirth ceremony. Allowing new aspects of the Self to emerge.

These ceremonies are uniquely attuned to you, and can incorporate various different approaches to personal ritual that would feel supportive to share.

The traditional flow of these ceremonies begins with an invocation of the four directions & the healed ancestors, to invite support to the transition process. Then, an intuitive combination of practices can be incorporated to best amplify the integration & intention of the ceremony.

Some elements can include;

  • Ancestral Connection ~ invoking and consciously connecting with healthy, healed ancestors to support and resource the transition process.

  • Fire Prayer ~ Releasing energy and offering prayers for emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical healing. Letting go of what no longer serves into the fire, and calling in that which is to be transmuted into.

  • Hapé & Cacao ~ Plant Medicines to support the clarity of mind and opening of the heart. One or both of these can be incorporated in an intentional, ceremonial way.

  • Energy Work & Somatic Healing ~ space held around releasing energies and sense impressions that may be stuck in the physical or subtle/emotional body. Healing & transforming old energy, to make space for the new.

  • Journeying & Soul Retrieval ~ drumming to enter into a theta state and access parts of the self that may have been lost due to past experience. Accessing the supportive powers of the Earth and ancestors to guide us.

  • Astrology & Oracle readings ~ incorporating Tarot and/or Astrology to offer greater insight as to the path ahead, to allow for clarity and orientation within the process of transition.

Questions & Inquiries; Personal Ceremony