Together we will take a journey through the Planets, 12 Zodiac signs & Houses of the Astrological Chart. This is not just information transference; it is an invitation to form your own living relationship to Astrology. To learn how it’s unique language, and how its oracular magick comes alive through you. YOU are the place where Sky meets Earth.

This container is vast; a deep dive into the cosmos that invites your devotion as praxis. Each topic offers hours of transmission from Teagan, as well as meditations and practices to integrate the teachings thru the wisdom of your own inner-knowing. Your full self is invited to the table, to feast alongside this council of celestial ancestors.

Astrology is a deeply-rooted Ancestral, Earth-based practice that connects us to the cycles of aliveness in Nature. As we follow the movements of the planetary ancestors, we find traces of those that studied the stars thousands of years before our waking. This course is a journey through the wheel of the year on Earth, with the Sky as our guiding mirror. We study the astrological wisdom of various traditions from all over the world, tracking the patterns that connect them.

Teagan has compiled over a decade of knowledge from various frameworks & approaches, including Western, Vedic (Jyotish), Hellenistic & Esoteric Astrology. Through synthesizing the wisdom of these systems, we seek to find the celestial thread that weaves them all together, revealing the magick of the stars.

Welcome to the Altar of Stars, where we Commune with the Council of the Cosmos.

On a more sincere note, I have truly poured my entire heart + soul into these teachings, as well as everything I’ve learned across various systems in over a decade of devoted study. The Course incorporates teachings from Western, Vedic, and Esoteric Astrology, as well as Mythologies + philosophies from across the world. There are smatterings of magick everywhere; glimmers of wisdom from Ayurveda, Medical Astrology, Alchemy, the Tarot, and more. It is truly broad as it is deep in content!

I will always be a student of Astrology; there is always more to learn. But I feel truly proud of what’s been shared here, as the first leap into online teaching that will hopefully lead to even more ways of musing over the stars together. Creating this course has challenged me in all the right ways; it feels rather fitting that it has been a 9-month birthing process! I feel overjoyed to share this labor of love with you all.

About the Course…

PLANETS: We begin with meeting each of the Planetary Bodies as Ancestors, giving special attention to understanding their profound and complex companionship over the path of our lives. We focus on the Traditional Seven Planets of Sun thru Saturn, and expand on the modern planets of Neptune, Uranus + Pluto, along with Chiron. Each video lesson is over an hour long, with additional teachings on reading the planetary influence in the Astrological Chart. These lessons are immediately available upon registering for the course.

ZODIAC: We then move into the Wheel of the Zodiac, opening into the richness of Archetypal Mythology and Symbols as Language that have been built upon for thousands of years. We turn towards each Zodiac as a living consciousness; each a teacher with wisdom + guidance along our life path. For each of the 12 Zodiac, there are hour-long video lessons, and additional guided meditations to connect with the Heart of each Sign. These 12 Lessons will roll out through October 2024, after we’ve met the Planetary Rulers of each sign. (I find this progression particularly important in developing relationships to the Planetary Ancestors as channeled energies thru each of the Zodiacal archetypes.)

HOUSES: Next, we move through the twelve houses as altars to tend throughout the course of our lives. Each territory is a treasure chest of wisdom, that reveals its magick as each Planetary Ancestor activates + opens its teachings. Without the houses, Astrology does not have a home in our lives. This is where we anchor all the prior teachings into embodied practice, through video lessons and meditations to connect with each of the Twelve Altars in our lives. These lessons roll out thru November 2024, and are accompanied by Q+A sessions for Mentorship Students to begin integrating the information into embodied praxis.

EXTRAS: Over the course of the coming months, I will be recording additional teachings that will continuously be added into the BONUS section of the course. When you register for this course, you receive lifetime access, AND continued teachings that will be shared on particular specificities within Astrological Chart Reading. This is an opportunity to deepen your awareness of the complexity of interpreting Astrology, and would be considered more Intermediate/Advanced level teachings. We will explore Aspects, Synastry, Medical Astrology, Tarot Correspondences, Money, Career, Romance, and more. Those videos will be uploaded gradually, and you will receive access to live teachings that I offer along the way.

ACCESS: This is a self-paced course, which can be as empowering as it is isolating. Within the strangeness of online teaching, my highest priority is that there are opportunities for connection across the ethers. For ALL participants in the course, I will be holding live Q+A sessions, where you can either attend live or email your questions in to be answered. These will be added as links to the course itself for lifetime access. You can also email Teagan at any time with questions, and she will respond as soon as possible.

GROUP MENTORSHIP 2025 | Oracles in Orbit

MENTORSHIP: It became clear to me throughout the process of creating this course, that it was meant to serve as the foundation for a larger Mentorship program, in teaching others to read charts in an intuitive, embodied way. Thus, there are two options upon registration. The first is just the course itself, and the second INCLUDES the additional participation in the Group Mentorship program that will take place in 2025!**

Individuals within the Group Mentorship program, “Oracles in Orbit”, will be a part of a Cohort that will deepen into the magick of learning Astrology together, reading charts and diving deeper into the intricacies of interpretation. We will explore Aspects, Synastry, Medical Astrology, Tarot Correspondences, Money, Career, Romance, and more. This will be a 6-month program, full of Ritual + Group Ceremony informed by the New + Full Moons of each zodiacal season.

There will be significant opportunities to learn directly from Teagan, in both collective and 1-on-1 space, as well as practice reading charts with others in the group! It will be collaborative, creative, mystical, FUN, personal and sincere. I cannot WAIT for the first Cohort.

**If you register for the online course and decide later that you’d like to join the Mentorship group in 2025, you can always do so later. There will be an opportunity to join before the first Cohort begins, in the Spring/Summer of 2025!


COST EXCHANGE: Now, for the practical magick. I have sat for many months on the question of reciprocity + price for this course. The content itself embodies over a decade of study, and 50+ hours of teachings, which will only be added to. The value of the course itself in honesty is over $5,000, but I want this to be as accessible as possible** for star-seekers that are wanting to share in the magick together. So, there are two options for reciprocity, both discounted until my birthday: October 8th…

  • Online Course: $1333 ($888 until Oct 8th, 2024!)

  • Online Course PLUS+ Mentorship Group 2025*: $2222 ($1555 until Oct 8th, 2024!)

*Registration for Group Mentorship can be added on in 2025 if you decide to wait, however it will be less expensive to register as an Online Course add-on!

**Scholarships are ALWAYS available for BIPOC + LGBTQIA+ identifying individuals. Simply email me at thealtar.healing@gmail.com to apply. <3

There are one-time payment + monthly payment options listed on the purchase page, for accessibility. I like to think of it as the equivalent to booking one mentorship session per month with me for an entire year, expect you’re getting SO MUCH more! :)

✧ SUBSTACK SUBSCRIBERS ✧ receive an ADDITIONAL 15% off discount thru my birthday (October 8th, 2024)!

JOIN SUBSTACK HERE to receive the discount code! <3

I hope to see you at the Altar to muse about the cosmos together! Much love to you all!

xoxo, TÆGAN


  • Teagan is truly a gifted healer with wisdom and knowledge beyond her years. She is a kind, thoughtful, and genuine person. I came to her in a time of great transformation and she provided insights and created space for healing work that has carried me into a new chapter of life. I would highly recommend working with her!

    Jessie K

  • I have seen Teagan several times for astrological readings as well as an ayurvedic consultations - I find her insight and wisdom incredibly helpful and precise. Beyond her compassion and keen intuition- she is also deeply educated on all the modalities she practices and speaks with an earned authority. She is also just a pleasure to speak with, and I always feel seen and safe!

    Galen H

  • Teagan is a gifted healer and astrologer we are lucky to have. She's extremely connected to the universe and how the planets and stars align. Teagan can help guide others not well-versed to understand the inner workings of the universe and their life path by looking at these components. Her knowledge is deep and her fluency of astrological language is truly impressive.

    Melissa P

Reach out to Teagan!