Within our physical anatomy, there is also a matrix of subtle channels or “nadis”, and meridian systems that make up the Energetic Anatomy. The chakra system itself holds exact correspondence to the glandular systems of the body, where neurochemical and hormone falls are constantly cycling through our system. The nervous system is also deeply intertwined with the Subtle energy body, as the mechanisms that our system uses to sense & transmit information on an energetic level mirror the layout of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Within the flow of the session, we engage with traditional Reiki techniques to gently move and release stuck energy from the system. We also incorporate Marma Acupressure therapy along meridian channels, and Craniosacral techniques to engage with the realignment of the physical form. Sound healing is woven throughout the session to encourage the harmonization & detoxification of energy at a cellular level. By entering into a theta state, the inherent self-healing mechanisms of the body can come online, and work to gently release what might be stuck at a subconscious level.

Dr. Rollin Becker said before his sessions, “Thank you for allowing me to watch you heal yourself.”

Sessions are typically an hour long, and suggested to continue at a monthly pace to encourage the gradual release of long-stored energies. Energy work can be combined with Somatic Healing, to engage at a deeper level of mind-body therapy.

Teagan is a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner under the Usui Lineage, and is also trained in Traditional Vedic practices of Marma Acupressure therapy and energetic anatomy. She is also a student of body Native North and South American Shamanic Energy Medicine, and incorporates these teachings into her approach to energy healing. Teagan is also an Ancestral Medium, and it is not uncommon for this type of contact to come through in a session.

Energy healing is a subtle, yet profound modality that works at the interface between the physical and subtle or energetic body. The intention of these sessions is to identify any areas of the matrix of the body where energy might be stuck, blocked, or held in a way that lends itself to imbalance in our mental, emotional, or physical experience. We gently work to restore the proper flow of energy within the entire system, and invite the body to gradually move anything that might be blocked or causing disharmony in our energetic field.

Our body is energy in form. It is a complex matrix of vibration, synapses, and stored sense impressions from past experience. When we have been storing energy within this matrix for extended periods of time, be it physical, mental, or emotional experiencing, the body remembers. This can express as a sense of blockage or tension in the physical form, or even accumulate to experiences of pain, structural alterations, or disease.

The body truly keeps the score.

Marma Acupressure Therapy

Marma point therapy is an energy healing practice that is rooted in India’s 5000-year-old Ayurvedic system of healing, and is commonly believed to have been the foundation for later point therapies such as acupuncture, acupressure, and reflexology.

Ayurveda teaches us that there are 108 marma points in the body. These marma points are found where tendons, bones, muscles, joints, veins, nerves, and other tissues meet.  According to Vedic wisdom, there are 72,000 channels of circulating life force (Prana), known as nadis, which flow into the physical body — these correspond with the Meridian System in TCM. The points at which Prana travels through the nadis and enters the physical body are known as marma points. Therefore, Marma points connect the subtle and physical layers of the human body.

Through applying gentle pressure to these points, we work to gently release stored or blocked energy held deep in the bodily tissues. Sound healing and Reiki are woven into sessions to amplify the benefits, and deeply clear the energy that’s been stored in the body.

Teagan studied Marma Therapy under Dr. Vasant Lad, and uses this physical and energetic clearing to support clients in releasing and transforming the health of both their mind & body.

Book a Session


  • I recently had my first ever reiki session with Teagan. I HIGHLY recommend her to anyone looking for spiritual healing and guidance. While facilitating a gentle and caring environment, she also created a spiritual experience that was very profound. I came in feeling weighed down and left feeling as if I were floating. Afterwards, she gave me advice on how to continue to heal in my daily life. I cannot say enough good things about my experience! If you're curious about reiki, definitely reach out! Teagan is an authentic teacher and truly caring-the real deal!

    Willow K

  • I was lucky to meet Teagan about a year ago. She is one of the most calming, positive and knowledgeable people I have met. I have gone to Teagan for energy healing sessions and leave with a new, cleansed outlook for the next few months. It is never too late to begin your journey of healing and sharing your light from within and Teagan’s healing hands and guidance will open your heart and soul help in the process. I am thankful for Teagan and will always turn to her for insight.

    Michele D

  • I just had the most magical energy healing with Teagan West. My soul feels so refreshed and my heart so much lighter. It was beautiful to experience my body work through energy guided by such a light of a human being. Today I experienced intense visions, new awakening and remembering. I felt so incredibly seen and enveloped by the reassurance that I am being looked after by my intuitive spirit guides and my ancient soul. I am beyond blessed to have experiences like this that deepen my sense of connection to the Source. Thank you so much Teagan for giving me such a gift.

    Emily F