Astrology is one of the most powerful expressions of the Divine Mystery.

When used intentionally, it can be a deeply insightful tool for self-discovery and understanding. However, like any tool, in order to use it properly, we must understand the intention behind its creation.

Astrology is not simply a framework for typologizing the self, identifying with a particular archetype to explain “why we are the way we are”. It is much larger than this.

This is a system that has been studied for thousands of years, with roots in nearly every ancient culture across the globe – all with a similar understanding of its use. It is the tangible, organized expression of our karma. It is the design of the Soul.

It is a language of the Cosmos. It offers us a roadmap along the territory of our lives, to better understand ourselves as part of a much larger whole. It gives shape to our Soul’s path in this lifetime, and helps us to understand the Karmic patterns we have yet to break through, in order to bring that Destiny into its fullest expression.

Astrology as a tool for Self-Empowerment & Actualization

Astrology is a tool for self-actualization.

When we better understand our unique soul’s design, we are gifted with the awareness and agency to work with it, in a more embodied and empowering manner.

My approach to Astrological Readings carries the intent to both empower & support you in seeing your Truth. Identifying the blessings & burdens that your individual soul carries, and potentially uncovering how to work with them in a way that feels true to your heart’s mission. 

To bring about healing & liberation, through radical self acceptance and understanding.

Birth Chart Readings

The moment you were born, the planets were aligned in a very specific arrangement.

This is a map of your karma. The soul-level themes, patterns, and placements that you are destined to learn from, over the course of your life.

Within the Birth Chart, we can identify the karmic blessings and burdens your soul is here to work through. It gives insight into your strengths and difficulties, your ancestral karmas, and your Soul’s deepest calling in this lifetime.

In Birth Chart readings, we dive deep into discussing all of your natal planetary placements, with specific emphasis on the Healing Nodes and Karmic Patterns you are here to uncover.

The intention is to offer guidance and empowerment along the path of becoming. To remember that you were born for this, and that everything within you has been specifically designed for your soul’s most expansive evolution. You hold the power and potential to step into that most radiant, authentic expression of self.

Readings are also accompanied with a voice recording of your session, a full written version of your chart, and a look at how the current transits are affecting you over the coming months. Sessions can be held in-person or via zoom, typically 1 hour in fullness.

Transit Reports

The planets are always moving. Dancing across the skies, playing with our own individual karmas like the hands of the Great Weaver, pulling strings that tug at our own internal processes.

As the planets move, they activate specific karmas and aspects particular placements within your natal chart. These transits affect every individual differently. The cosmic energies are always changing, like cosmic weather patterns within the Great Sky of our Life.

In a transit report reading, we look at what the planets are currently doing in the skies, and how that affects your individual experience. We look at the present moment in the timeline, and what is to come in the consecutive months.

Readings are also accompanied with a voice recording of your session, a full written version of your chart, and a look at how the current transits are affecting you over the coming months. Sessions can be held in-person or via zoom, typically 30-60 minutes in fullness.

Solar Return Readings

Each year, the sun returns to the exact degree it was at when we were born. This is our birthday, the Solar Return.

In this moment, the planets are all arranged in a new placement, offering us what can be considered the “birth chart of our year”. These new placements give us particular insight as to which areas of our life will be activated over the course of the next year.

The Solar Return offers stunningly accurate perspectives as to what themes will be predominant until our next birthday, and what we’re meant to move through & learn from over the course of the year.

Readings are also accompanied with a voice recording of your session, a full written version of your chart, and a look at how the current transits are affecting you over the coming months. Sessions can be held in-person or via zoom, typically 30-60 minutes in fullness.

Relationship Reports

The astrology of relationships can be an extremely useful tool in examining the dynamic between two souls. Whether it be partnerships, friends, or family - the unique astrological makeup of each individual brings certain energies to the table, that work together & intertwine to create an entirely unique connection.

These readings seek to deepen an understanding of one another, and shine light on the subtle energies that are present between two people. Special attention is given to overarching themes in the relationship, and how to work with them for the benefit of both parties.

No two people are perfectly aligned in complete harmony. We look at what planetary energies may be a source of tension or difficulty in the relationship, to further understand how to work with them and approach them in a more beneficial way. These readings can be extremely healing, pointing out hidden dynamics within the relationship, and working together to identify their root.

SYNASTRY READINGS offer a look at the interpersonal dynamics between two individuals, their compatability, and how their chart aspects intertwine. This identifies the energies that are present, both easeful and tense, within the dance of two souls. It provides better understanding as to how to work with these energies in a way that is most helpful for the dynamic to thrive.

COMPOSITE READINGS are the chart of the relationship itself. When two soul’s come together, that energy combines to create an entirely new, unique third entity. This chart is the embodiment of the relationship itself, how it moves in the world when two come together as one. It identifies what strengths and weaknesses the relationship carries, the karmic implications of the union, and what you’re meant to bring into the world, together.

Readings are accompanied with a voice recording of your session, a full written version of your chart, and a look at how the current transits are affecting you over the coming months. Sessions can be held in-person or via zoom, typically 1 hour in fullness.


  • Teagan is truly a gifted healer with wisdom and knowledge beyond her years. She is a kind, thoughtful, and genuine person. I came to her in a time of great transformation and she provided insights and created space for healing work that has carried me into a new chapter of life. I would highly recommend working with her!

    Jessie K

  • I have seen Teagan several times for astrological readings as well as an ayurvedic consultations - I find her insight and wisdom incredibly helpful and precise. Beyond her compassion and keen intuition- she is also deeply educated on all the modalities she practices and speaks with an earned authority. She is also just a pleasure to speak with, and I always feel seen and safe!

    Galen H

  • Teagan is a gifted healer and astrologer we are lucky to have. She's extremely connected to the universe and how the planets and stars align. Teagan can help guide others not well-versed to understand the inner workings of the universe and their life path by looking at these components. Her knowledge is deep and her fluency of astrological language is truly impressive.

    Melissa P

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