Sacred Plant Medicines to support your healing process

Cacao Medicina

Cacao is a beautiful, powerful Heart-opening medicine. The story of Ixcacao, the Goddess of the Medicine itself, tells that this plant spirit traveled far North at a time when humans were most in need of her Heart-opening qualities, sharing this beauty with the world.

Cacao is a more activating medicine, gently opening the heart and enlivening to body to bring about the healing energy of joy and love. It is a precursor to dopamine, and so its effects can be quite bubbly and opening for the energy body. Cacao is a beautiful medicine for cultivating self-love, and releasing the old experiences, patterns, or ways of relating that keep the heartspace closed.

The medicine itself can be energizing, and is more sustainable for the energy body, without the crash of caffeine. Many people switch out cacao for their daily cup of coffee, and have amazing results!

Teagan hosts both personal, private cacao ceremonies, or small group containers. Feel free to reach out if you have a vision for incorporating this medicine into your life or facilitation space!

The Cacao that Teagan uses is ethically sourced from a Mayan Women’s Collective in Guatemala. She has blocks available for anyone interested in making this beautiful medicine a part of their daily routine at home.

Hapé is a medicine traditionally used to cleanse and purify the physical and subtle energy bodies. It is taken through the nose with a special applicator called a Kuripe. The medicine itself is a mixture of tobacco and other healing plants ground to an ash-like substance, taken as a snuff to cleanse the system. It is especially powerful for clearing the subtle energy body, and moving stuck or stagnant energies in the system.

Teagan personally works with a hapé mixture of tobacco and the Tsunu tree, a gentle yet powerfully centering medicine from the Yawanawa tribe in Brazil, given to her by her teacher Kenewma to share with community. This blend is particularly attuned to clearing the mind and energy field, to enter into deeply meditative and healing states. It has a gentle, lunar quality. Hapé beautifully opens the subtle energy system to receive the vibrational healing of Sound, and Reiki Energy Work.

See the Clarity Ceremony for a combination of Hapé, Sound, and Reiki.

Hapé ceremonies can be shared as intimate, one-on-one containers, or in small group settings. This can be a powerful, healing space to share with yourself, or with others. Reach out with questions or inquiries about incorporating this medicine into your personal process.

COMING SOON: Psychedelic Facilitation

An Embodied approach to Psychedelic Medicine: Preparation, Facilitation, and Integration.

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