Crafting your own ceremonial medicine piece. Birthing of the Heartbeat.

The birthing of the drum is a profound process, with the intention of infusing the heart of the maker into the beat of the drum. Each time you play it, the connection deepens. Beauty in form.

Together, we hold ceremonial space around the process of making the drum, infusing with intention, ancestral power, and animal medicine. Any other elements that feel resonant for the maker to include are involved in the ceremony itself, unique to your magical intention.

We come together in private ceremony, calling in the healed forces of creation to birth the drum. We wash the skin in a body of water, and I show you how to create the drum by weaving it together, infusing it with your heart and care. Then you take home the finished piece, allow it to dry for a day. Full birthing process.


Ceremony is personal, 1-on-1 space held with Teagan. Small groups of 2-4 people are also welcome.

Drum sizes range from 10-18 inches in diameter. Cost of materials increases based on size, and type of animal skin.

The Ceremony itself is sliding scale $111-188. Range is negotiable based on individual needs, factoring in additional cost of materials.


Part of my own ancestral lineage healing process has been about reconnecting with the blessings & burdens of lineage. I come from a long line of drum players, of many forms — the heart beat of the drum runs in my bloodstream. The process of making these pieces has awakened ancestral memory in ways much bigger than me. It has become clear that this is a gift to be shared, a special ceremony intended to carry the heart of the drum outwards into the world.

Feel free to contact Teagan with any inquiries about the process or materials. It would be an honor to share this ceremony with you.

There are also pre-made drums available, made by Teagan in Ceremonial space.


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