Space to Unfold.

Meditative space. Gentle touch. Somatic release.

The body is a sacred vessel. It holds the fullness of who we are, and everything we have ever experienced. To hold space for the body is to enter into a ceremonial act of honoring the very skin & bones we exist within, every day of our lives.

At the heart of these sessions is the intent to body honor & deeply tend to our physical vessel. We enter into ritual space with the body, as an act of reverence & intentional healing. We engage with a combination of techniques from Acupressure, Craniosacral Therapy, Thai Massage and Energy Healing.

Subtle Bodywork, deep healing. Like a massage for the Nervous System.


Most of us move through the world with very particular physical or mental patterns, usually unconsciously. These patterns manifest in the body at a deeply formative level, affecting the fascia, muscle, and structural development of the system. We create holding patterns through how we exist mentally, physically & emotionally, that become exaggerated when not tended to properly over time.

These sessions create space for deep listening, and even deeper relaxation. To let the body unfold, and soften into the spaces it has historically held tension. To create new somatic patterns through awareness & gentle touch. This allows for deep physical & emotional release, and begins to change the way we exist within our own vessel.

Sessions are typically 60-90 minutes long, and can be shared in-home or at Teagan’s treatment space.

The Heart of Listening

Through the course of these sessions, we combine various modalities to create a truly holistic & ceremonial approach to bodywork. We unfold even deeper into the wisdom of the body, releasing deeply-stored energy held in the tissues and fascia.

A combination of Marma Acupressure, Thai Yoga Massage, Craniosacral Techniques and Energy Healing, this gentle yet powerful work tends to both the subtle & physical layers of the body. Sound healing is incorporated throughout the session as desired, to bring vibrational clearing & harmonization to the nervous system.

The container is held in ritual space, with the intent of deeply honoring the body as our most Sacred Temple, within which our entire world finds its centerpoint. As within, so without — as we find freedom & healing within our own vessel, this echoes into how we move through our lives.

The intention of these sessions is to enter the system into a state of deep relaxation, where the subtle body’s inherent healing mechanisms can come online. This facilitates deep nervous system regulation, likened to a massage for the subtle body. This encourages the gentle release of stored emotions, and begins to gradually unwind physical, mental, and emotional blockages.

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