Connection, Council, Tending, Journeywork, Ceremony & Embodied Integration.

Deep-Dive with the Wise & Well Ones.

Building a foundation of strength to support ongoing Connection & Relationship.


Ancestral healing work is not a one-time thing. To build a sustaining connection with our people & understand the gifts they bring into our life, we must continue tending over time. This process allows for an ongoing and continual deepening into connection with your ancestors, exploring many different facets of healing & tending work.

We begin by connecting with each of your four primary lineages individually, understanding their unique histories & how the blessings & burdens of these ancestors live through you. From here, we cultivate regular tending & ritual practice to strengthen the ongoing connection. Through a combination of guided journeywork, mediumship, and ancestral reverence practices, we uncover a depth of wisdom & understanding — that comes from the ancestors directly.

Moving further into the journey, we extend the healing & blessings of each bloodline into the living family on each lineage, and begin to incorporate the Ancestors support & council into everyday life. Deeper into the process, there is the opportunity to harmonize all Four of your primary lineages, confronting any cultural or generational harm that is intertwined with each unique & complex history. From this place, we are backed by the support of all four of our primary bloodlines, and can actively partner with them to dream a new world into being. This is how we embody the face of our lineages, integrating Ancestral council & support into our lives, for generations to come.

This work is a reclamation of Ancestral Reverence, an ancient practice that has been lost to time & colonization.


The foundational Ancestral Healing Journey takes place over the course of 3 sessions, with the option to add a fourth session of Ancestral Bodywork and/or Prayer Ceremony at the end, to integrate the entire process.

Three Session Journey; Sliding Scale $275-444 (additional fourth session is sliding scale $111-150)

Please message Teagan with inquiries or curiosities about sharing this process! I would be honored to support you & your people!

Each session is between 60-90 min in full, and include elements of ritual work, guided journeying, mediumship, visioning, and ancestral connection. There is an option to add a fourth session of Ceremony & Ancestral Bodywork to integrate the overall journey, which is closer to two hours in full.

Please reach out if you’re interested or would like to discuss approaches to this Journey. I would be deeply honored to support you and your people.


If you’ve explored Ancestral Lineage Healing work and are ready to go deeper, Ancestral Bodywork is the next step in the process — here, we take it to the body, and unwind the Ancestral Patterns that are held in our own tissues. A minimum of 3 Ancestral Lineage Healing sessions is required before beginning Ancestral Bodywork, to make sure we have a strong foundation of Ancestral health & connection.

A Word on Cultural Change through Ancestral Healing Work…

Sometimes, conflict resolution & repair work with our Ancestors is required, as we turn towards the truth of our reality as a continuation of our own Ancestor’s actions. This work can often bring forward the complicated reality of confronting & reckoning with unresolved histories of colonialism, oppression, and injustice that our ancestors may have been a part of.

The intent is that we both acknowledge and embrace our own role as the face of the lineage, and (if desired), become the ‘cycle breaker’ — one who commits to bring repair to these patterns in our lives moving forward. This begins actionable movements towards change and restorative justice for the ancestral legacies of the world.

Ancestral Repair Work is both deeply personal, and absolutely a form of collective healing.

As we begin to repattern our own ancestral legacies, this ripples out into the world and culture around us. This begins to create healing on deeply systemic levels, and echoes through not only our own life, but the other cultures we interface with. Ancestral work is active cultural repair.


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