Sound Healing + Energy Work + Plant Medicine (Hapé/Cacao)

Gentle, powerful, personal healing space.

This ceremony is a combination of gentle plant medicines such as Hapé or Cacao, paired with the restorative practices of energy work and sound healing. The ceremony itself is attuned to your unique intention and needs, bringing in whatever elements resonate to support you in process.

We come together in ceremonial space, inviting intention and ancestral connection into the experience. Then we share either Hapé or cacao medicine, and gently transition into a restorative reiki energy healing and sound bath. ✨

Hapé is a medicine traditionally used to cleanse and purify the physical and subtle energy bodies. It is taken through the nose with a special applicator called a Kuripe. The medicine itself is a mixture of plants ground to an ash-like substance, taken as a snuff to cleanse the system. Teagan personally works with a hapé mixture of tobacco and the Tsunu tree, a gentle yet powerfully centering medicine from the Yawanawa tribe in Brazil, given to her by her teacher Kenewma to share with community. This blend is particularly attuned to clearing the mind and energy field, to enter into deeply meditative and healing states. It beautifully opens the subtle energy system to receive the vibrational healing of Sound, and Reiki Energy Work.

Cacao is a more activating medicine, gently opening the heart and enlivening to body to bring about the healing energy of joy and love. It is a precursor to dopamine, and so its effects can be quite bubbly and opening for the energy body. This is more of an energizing medicine to work with, and allows the sound and reiki energy work to move through the body more vividly. Cacao is a beautiful medicine for cultivating self-love, and releasing the old experiences, patterns, or ways of relating that keep the heartspace closed.

Sound Healing is a beautiful, gentle way to support the body in releasing old stored energetic or emotional information, especially after plant medicine has gently opened the system to receive the frequencies of healing sound. The sound waves enter us into a Theta state, where the inherent healing mechanisms of the body come online to process unconscious or stored somatic information, beyond the intellectual thinking mind. This allows for gentle yet potent healing for the entire mind-body system.

Personal ceremonial space held in the comfort of Teagan’s home. Sessions are 60-90 minutes, and can be held as 1:1 or a small group. Price varies based on aspects and medicine included within the ceremony, however the typical range is $150-222 for the full time together.

Please reach out if you’re interested in coming together in this way, and speaking more about what elements you’d like to include in your personal ceremonial container.

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