The Journey Begins. Welcome, My Friend.

This Introductory Video seeks to orient to the path ahead, as we prepare to journey thru the Cosmos together. I share a bit about my background, and the specific threads that will be woven into this Course, from various frameworks.


Each lesson includes a Bonus Audio teaching, that can be found at the bottom of each page. Be sure to listen to these, as they are different than the video audio itself! There are also PDF’s for download at each intro lesson, one for the Planets, Zodiac Signs, and Houses. You can find them linked at the bottom of each intro lesson page!

My suggestion is to take your time with each lesson, devoting a special journal to making note of insights along your Astrological Journey. Remember that this is not just the transference of information, it is meant to be a deeper invitation into LIVING Astrology! <3 Enjoy, and reach out with any questions along the way!


Make sure to Download the PDF below, which incorporates a quick-reference for both the Elements + Modalities that we’ll discuss in the next two videos. The Building Blocks of Astrology, indeed!