Ayurveda, Astrology, Ancestors, Ritual Bodywork, Somatics, Sound & Energy Medicine

✧ These sessions are specifically suited for individuals that have worked with Teagan in at least 2-3 healing modalities listed above, and are interested in synthesizing the work through this deepened healing container. ✧

If you’re new to this work and are interested in deepening the healing process with Teagan, check out the Integral Healing Journey Packages!


In these sessions, we tend to the moment & check back in with what is needed. Having already explored the various facets of holistic healing through individual sessions, now is the opportunity to deepen into new layers of synthesis. We weave between various modalities, tending to the emergent needs of Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Healing is not a linear process — it is more cyclical or circular in nature. Oftentimes, when we begin a journey of healing work with ourselves, we return to a familiar place within, yet are resourced in new ways to approach deeper levels of the process. Spiral Dynamics offers a great analysis of this rhythm.

These sessions allow for a richness of this cyclical nature. We return to the processes of the body, mind, and spirit, to deepen into new octaves of the healing process. Through this Synthesis, we are able to unfold evermore deeply, and come into greater intimacy with ourselves.


✧ If you’re new to this work and interested in a holistic approach to healing, check out the Integral Healing Journey Package! This is a 4-5 session package that dives into Ayurveda, Astrology, Ancestral Connection, Ritual Bodywork, Somatics, Sound & Energy Medicine in their own respective sessions!

Session Types for Synthesis

Ayurveda tends to the needs of the physical body, as we come into deeper understanding of your unique biological & physiological makeup. We dive into your full health history, to generate an understanding of your body’s needs, and then move forward in creating an Ayurvedic Regimen unique to you. This includes diet, lifestyle, herbs, and yogic practices that become resources for restoring your body’s natural state of balance & overall harmony.

Somatics & Energy Work explores the unique matrix of emotion and memory that lives within the body, working to bring awareness to this wisdom and liberate what might be stuck within. Through guided explorations and somatic dialoguing, we begin to unpack & understand the body’s unique wisdom, and develop resources for the gentle transformation of these energies. This allows for more freedom & spaciousness in our lived experience, generating more awareness of what lives within, and how to best support what’s there.

Astrology is a supportive tool & guide along the path of healing, that provides insight & objective context for what we’re maneuvering in process. It allows for perspective and understanding of our current place in the timeline of life, and how the larger energies or movements of the cosmos influence our individual karma. As above, so below.

Ancestral Connection expands our individuality into the larger matrix of generational belonging we are a part of. Our Ancestors are our council of blood & bone resonance, and their health impacts much of our own well-being in the present. This work holds a two-fold intention; to both cultivate connection with your blood lineages, and to bring healing where it is needed along those bloodlines. This intergenerational healing ripples both backwards and forwards through the timeline, with our own wellness at the center.

Ritual Bodywork Sessions unfold even deeper into the wisdom of the body, through releasing deeply-stored energy held in the tissues and fascia. A combination of Marma Acupressure, Thai Yoga Massage, Craniosacral Therapy and Energy Healing, this gentle yet powerful work tends to both the subtle & physical layers of the body. The container is held in ritual space, with the intent of deeply honoring the body as our most Sacred Temple, within which our entire world finds its centerpoint. As within, so without — as we find freedom & healing within our own vessel, this echoes into how we move through our lives.

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“From the moment I walked through the door I felt held, safe and understood on a deep spiritual level with Teagan. She truly has a gift to connect, heal and hold space. Her insights and energy work were exactly what I needed to experience and hear. I look forward to many more sessions and deep healing to continue to work through past blockages within my body and mind. She brings mind body spirit together and truly stays present while in this space together. Her work is divine !”

Eva M

The body also holds the history of lineage, the unmetabolized experiences of our ancestors. Sometimes, what we are carrying may not necessarily be our own — we know now that fascial patterns and epigenetic predispositions to certain diseases or structural difficulties can be genetic in nature.

The combination of Ancestral Healing alongside this work holds significant value. It unlocks a deeper layer of healing that can be invaluable to understanding our own unique, lived experience, as we inhabit these powerful bodies, that are a continuation of ancestry. This healing becomes the liberation of potentially generations of unprocessed somatic information.

For more information on Ancestral Lineage Healing, click here.